Sunday 30 May 2010

Coming out of Hibernation

Been silent for just a little too long, mainly because life has just become so very busy...

In the past year, both of my partner's children have moved in with us, which has meant an incredible increase in the amount of housework, as well as my continual juggle with both work and study.

But in all the busy-ness, I've left part of me behind, so am starting to make a concerted effort to regain it.

Dixiebelle arranged a lovely outing for some of us yesterday, so we got face to face and had a lovely chat about sharing some of our skills. This, and interesting conversations with the crone and a fellow student recently, have helped to pull me out of my hibernation and I'll get back to blogging real soon.

Just an exam tomorrow and three more assignments and I'll be done for the semester ...

love and light


  1. Hello, nice to see you. I think quite a few of us have been hibernating.

  2. Naturewitch.....missed you and was afraid you may have been unwell.

    Do take care and leave time for just you....we all need that.

    Hope the bees are well and happy.....

  3. Lovely to see you again.

    Kind Regards

  4. Dear All

    Thanks for your "welcome back" sentiments.

    Apart from the odd cold, I am staying well and the bees are also going well, although they will be feeling the cold now.

    Just another week and I'll have a bit more time for blogging..


  5. Catching up on some blogging... just reading this now! Great to meet you in person and see you in a few weeks time!

  6. Hey Dixie
    It was great for us all to catch up like that. Looking forward to the next meeting.
