Thursday, 6 March 2008

Hello World

Hi Fellow Bloggers

This is my first blog. I was inspired by friend's blog to set up my own to talk to others of like mind.

I'm interested in real food - whole, organic, fermented, growing my own; sustainability and self sufficiency; seed saving; herbs and herbal medicine; wildcrafting; natural therapies; universal consciousness; conscious living and spiritual development; meditation; the energetics of life; stewardship of the planet; reducing and softening our footprint; life skills and life crafts; leaving a legacy of know-how, instead of comsumerist dependence on multinationals.

Just now I'm juggling work and study and hoping to move towards a more meaningful livelihood as a healer, not just of people, but of the planet (or at least my little patch of it). This blog will be a bit of a journey through my attempts at backyard sufficiency and my learning in healing, always in awe of nature and the bounties she provides us.

Love and light

1 comment:

  1. So glad that you have started to blog!

    You have so much knowledge to share (like some wine recipes hint, hint!)
