Tuesday 17 February 2009

Handmade Help

If you're looking for a more practical way to help people affected by the bushfires, check out the Handmade Help blog: http://handmadehelpsout.blogspot.com/

There are three main streams of help being organised:
  • Craft - restash a crafter, quilt making, toy making, fund raising, etc
  • Cooking - submit recipes for a book
  • Gardening - this is currently being formulated, but a separate blog will be available soon
Have a look and see if any of it appeals to you.

love and light


  1. What a great idea and a good site. Will check it out in more detail.

  2. Hi Wendy

    Anything we can do to help is good. I can't imagine what it must be to lose everything you own except for the clothes on your back.

    After the Canberra bushfires six years ago, people said that the things they appreciated the most were the quilts and blankets made with love by complete strangers. xx

  3. - Olá gostei muito da sua indicação, o blog é super interessante e como aqui podemos aproveitar muitas informações!
    Boa sorte sucesso e um abraço grande do Brasil.

    - Olá I liked its indication very, blog is super interesting and as here we can use to advantage many information!
    Good luck success and one I hug great of Brazil

  4. What a wonderful idea! Blessings to those who need it.

  5. Hi Eduardo and Goddess

    Thanks for the visit and for visiting the handmade site. xx
