Sunday 8 March 2009

Blogging Mojo and Beached Whales

I've felt like I've lost my blogging mojo the past few weeks. I thought maybe it was to do with all the events over summer (which are still continuing - fire and floods, etc), but just now reading the Crone's post, I realise that she has expressed my feeling exactly. Something is up with the world and we'll find out soon.

Speaking of which - recently, very sadly, there was a mass beaching of pod whales on King Island, off Tasmania. I've often noticed that when the whales beach themselves there is an earth quake or similar disaster shortly afterwards (up to 2 weeks). It happened before the Tsunami and the quakes in Pakistan and now there have been quakes in Victoria (although reasonably mild).

One of the theories for the latest beaching was that some dolphins herded the whales into shore. Can you imagine a whale being intimidated by a dolphin? Seems a little far-fetched to me, but then again I'm no expert on marine animals and their habits. Personally, I think that the whales are sending us messages; it's just that we don't know how to interpret them.

love and light


  1. Hope you get your mojo back soon..

    As for the whales, it could be like Jubilee in the Mobile Bay, water conditions just "nark" them and they ground themselves? Maybe instead of pushing them back out to sea, soon people will be fighting each other to eat them? Hmmm, let's hope it doesn't come to that...

  2. Totally agree with your thoughts that nature often tries to tell us things...Its just that we are not listening. I read a quote the other day on a similar theme: 'If we throw Mother nature out the window, she comes back in he door with a pitchfork'. I think we are going to see more and more of mother natures pitchfork.... Cheers, Tricia

  3. Hi Naturewitch...I will just say that I have missed your posts but understand how tiring it can be sometimes to just get motivated....

    As for the whales, I agree with you. The animal kingdom speaks to us often, if only we would stop and listen.....
    I always feel so sad when these beautiful creatures are unable to get back to the ocean.......

    I have been thinking of you all in Australia and the terrible things that have happened.....

    Hope things soon turn around for you all......hugs X

  4. im with ya on the mojo! an dbeached whales, well i just cant look/watch any news reports...breaks my heart. its such a mystery...

  5. I agree that the whales (or nature) are giving messages,that no-one can interpret. I wonder has any scientist/naturist type of person thought to start keeping records of world-wide beachings and soon-after natural disasters in the same area? It could eventually lead to some sort of revelation.

  6. Here in WA there have been suggestions that the beachings are connected to the use of sonar equipment and 'related activities' around Garden Island. Of course that'll be denied.

    P.S. Happy Birthday! :)

  7. Happy Birthday? Is it your birthday today? Or soon? Have a wonderful birthday whenever it is.

    I also feel very sad for the whales and any creature in that kind of predicament. I know they are trying to get our attention somehow. I did not know that earthquakes happen after beachings. That is very interesting. I wonder what will happen now?
    Glad to see you're back.
